Family Support Team
Miss Marie JenningsFamily Support Pastoral, and Safeguard Lead
Miss Marie Jennings
Mrs Jackie AllanFamily Support Assistant
Mrs Jackie Allan
Miss Marie Jennings, Family Support Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead
My role is to engage and encourage families in working in partnership with the school and to improve outcomes of their children. Parents are their child’s main teacher in life and by working together we can make a difference! I am available for parents and carers who want to chat about anything that’s worrying them or for help with issues that you are not sure how to tackle. If I don’t know the answers I will always do my best to signpost you to someone that can help you. You can call me if you have any further questions or concerns or would like to arrange a convenient time for a chat on 01582 573641.
Mrs Jackie Allan, Family Support Assistant
I have worked at The Ferrars Academy now for sixteen years. As well as working with families I am also a Midday Supervisor in the school, which gives me the opportunity to get to know most of the children. I run all the activities with families in the Round Room.
I have three children and seven grandchildren and one great grandchild of my own who keep me busy at weekends.