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Transition Arrangements

We recognise that transition can be a difficult time for children. We plan accordingly in order to meet all pupils’ specific needs including SEND, emotional, vulnerable and children with EAL or communication difficulties.

Transition from our Nursery to Reception

Nursery staff will meet with teachers from Reception to pass on information about your child which will support them when moving on. If necessary the SENDCO will also meet with the team working with your child to go through specific details that will help with transition and that are individual to them.

The Reception teachers also visit the Nursery children during the school day.

Your child will visit the school in the morning on Transition Day which takes place in July, to spend time in their new classroom and meet their teacher and the support staff.  Children that attend Morning and All Day Nursery will be taken to the school by staff during their normal session. If your child attends Afternoon Nursery then they will be invited to attend the transition morning and you will bring them to the main school hall.

Transition from other Pre-schools to our Reception

Our Early Years Lead Teacher may visit your child in their current pre-school setting. This enables information to be passed onto us as well as seeing your child in their learning environment. This will be co-ordinated by our Family Support Lead, Marie Jennings.

We have good links with some of the local pre-schools in the area. Throughout the year children who attend Pastures Way Nursery are invited to come and watch some of our celebratory performances which gives them opportunity to get familiar with coming into our school building.

If your child attends Pastures Way or Seabrook Nursery they will be invited to attend a Taster Session where they can come and join in the fun with our Reception children and explore the classrooms and outdoor area with staff from their current preschool. 

Your child will be invited to the transition morning which takes place in July, to spend time in their new classroom and meet their teacher and the support staff.

Transition from Reception to Year 1 / Year 1 to Year 2 (Key Stage 1)

Current teachers will meet with your child’s new teachers to pass on information about your child which will support them when moving on. Discussions may include timetable structure and assessment data.  For transition to Year 1 there will be themes and lessons which cross over curriculum from Early Years to National Curriculum.

If necessary the SENDCO will also meet with the team working with your child to go through specific details that will help with transition and that are individual to them.

In-Year Admissions

When a child starts at Ferrars in the middle of a year, we plan a range of support depending on the particular needs of the child. This may include a group of children to help them settle into the class and provide help in finding their way around the school.

Your child’s previous school will be contacted to transfer any of your child’s records to us.

Transition from Year 2 to Year 3 (Transfer to Junior School - Key Stage 2)

If your child is transferring to Ferrars Junior School

In the Summer Term various transition arrangements are put in place to ensure children make the move into Year 3 and a new school smoothly. These include; a buddy system, nurture groups, attending lunch at the Junior school, invites to events, transition and activity afternoons. There are also welcome meetings for parents/carers and parental coffee mornings.

Children are actively encouraged to talk about these visits once back at the Academy.

The SENDCO will liaise with your child’s new school during the Summer Term to ensure the school is aware of the SEND needs of your child.  For children with EHC plans, it is common for staff from receiving schools to visit children in their existing school.

The Family Support Lead also liaises with the Junior school your child is transferring to and arranges for any support to continue once your child has left the Academy.

If your child is transferring to another school

In some cases the transferring school will liaise directly with the parent/carer to arrange a transition visit.  Your child will also go to their new school on Transition Day. Our Family Support Lead, Marie Jennings will contact you to check what arrangements have been made and assist you if your child’s new school has not been in touch.

The SENDCO will liaise with your child’s new school during the Summer Term to ensure the school is aware of the SEND needs of your child.  For children with EHC plans, it is common for staff from receiving schools to visit children in their existing school.

The Family Support Lead also liaises with the school your child is transferring to and arranges for any support to continue once your child has left the Academy.