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Values Education

Values' are principles that act as guides to our behaviour and help us in our decision making. They are especially important in creating a positive, successful and happy school.

With the support of the whole school community we aim to raise our children into calm, happy, motivated individuals. We promote an educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment. We encourage our children to be reflective so that that they can become effective learners and positive members of society. Our Values Education programme involves exploring six positive values throughout the school year. Respect is a value that runs through everything we do and we encourage children to respect themselves, each other and all members of our school community at all times. 

Dr. Neil Hawkes, Founder of the International Values Education Trust (IVET), states that:

Values Education helps pupils to develop holistically, nurturing a secure sense of self, respect for self and others and supports the raising of academic standards.

 British Values

Why do we have British Values?

Schools have been required to actively promote fundamental British values since 2014 to enable children to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011 to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.  They run alongside our own school values of: confidence, friendship, determination, cooperation, independence and courage.

The British Values are:


The rule of law



Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

How we promote British Values at The Ferrars Academy:

British Values are fundamental throughout our daily lives at Ferrars.

They begin when greeting the children in the morning, during registration, they are taught through all of the curriculum areas, at playtime, lunchtime, assemblies and school visits both onsite and offsite.


We understand that we have different faiths, beliefs and cultures.

We do this through:


We have daily assemblies some of which are linked to our values. Friday assembly is a celebration assembly where we celebrate the children’s achievements. These include handwriting, superstars, attendance and when appropriate out of school achievements are celebrated. Children from School Council, Eco Warriors and Travel Titans often lead assemblies. A range of visitors are invited to come in and take an assembly. A representative from St Hughs Church sometimes comes in to deliver an assembly Children take part in a range of celebration assemblies relating to different faiths, Harvest, Christmas, Divali, Eid etc.

Religious Education

The children are taught about different faiths and celebrations. They are encouraged to make links between their own faith and the faith of others.

Examples of this are: Religious Text, Prayer, The use of candles (light), New/special clothes and Special food/meals. Visits to places of Worship and Christingle service – the children bring in donations of money for the Children’s Society to be given to the Church during the service.


We are encouraged to make our own choices.

This is promoted through The Ferrars Academy values which are:







These are displayed around the school with our over - arching ethos of Believe You Can.

Respect is displayed and underpins our school ethos, values and teaching.


We make our own class rules.

We vote for School Councillors.

Children take part in a voting process to elect the class representatives choosing 1 boy and 1 girl.

School Council have regular meetings where they are able to put forward their own suggestions and take a role in making decisions on improving the school. They have been involved in promoting road safety, choices for school lunches and help at school fetes.


We learn that our behaviour can have an effect on others. We treat each other with respect.

We have a team of Eco warriors

Eco Warriors promote the care of the environment both at school and in the local community. They have made and sold bird feeders. They take part in the litter pick at Lewsey Park. The pond is looked after and cleaned. Every year we have ‘Switch Off Fortnight’ where the Eco Warriors check and monitor lights and computer monitors are switched off and a certificate is given to the best class (es).

The British Values are promoted throughout our curriculum.

Children are encouraged to:

Learn how to compromise, play cooperatively, be kind and helpful. We allow children to decide when they need help, to take turns and share, learn to distinguish right from wrong. To understand the effect of their own and other’s behaviour and its consequences. Learning that the law is there to keep us safe. Children are taught to respect others choice, interests and different opinions. The importance of being part of a community.

Each child has a voice and their views are important and valued.


In addition, The Ferrars Academy organise celebrations to commemorate special events:

The Queen’s Birthday, Royal Weddings, Olympic Games, Our 60th Birthday.

We have ‘Time for Tea’ for the elderly members of our community.

The choir has visited St Hughs Church, Sainsbury’s and the Luton and Dunstable hospital during the Christmas period to sing to the community and aid in raising money for charity.

We take part in raising money for charity by supporting:

Children in Need, Comic Relief, Dementia day, and most recently we have had an Australia Day to raise money to support the people and animals affected by the terrible fires.

We also hold Christmas and Summer Fayre's which help develop a strong sense and feeling of community.


Queen Elizabeth II death

The news of Queen Elizabeth’s death deeply saddened our school community.
Miss Green led an assembly to help the children realise how long she had been on the throne and to recognise although her death was sad we should celebrate her life, her service and her many achievements. We even got to see what a good sense of humour and fun she had as we watched the Paddington clip filmed recently for her jubilee celebrations.
Each class then spent the day doing some follow up learning and activities and having the chance to talk about Queen Elizabeth.
Many of us watched her funeral on tv a few of us even visited London to see her lying in state.
We have looked to the future and are excited to learn we now have a king…. King Charles III

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations - May 2022

What an amazing day we’ve just experienced! From sharing a story with Queen Sarah, playing traditional games, to singing and dancing in our jubilee tea party with our guests. Together we were one community who care, respect and understand one another as we celebrated our royal monarchy Queen Elizabeth II and her 70-year reign. Our elected Student Council were fantastic ambassadors for the school and the wider community as they helped lead the event. A true sense of belonging and solidarity as we created another uplifting Ferrars Academy experience, which we will all remember for years to come.