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Donation of Books

Leagrave Primary school support a school in Belize who have very few resources to support their curriculum.  Last Easter (2018)  Leagrave Primary school council requested that if any of the WAP schools had any donations of unused or old school resources they wished to donate to a good cause, Leagrave would come and collect them and ensure they made it to Belize.

At The Ferrars Academy we donated many of our old story books.  They had become a bit scruffy and unloved in school and we had bought some new ones with our fundraised money but fundamentally there was nothing wrong with them and we felt they could still be useful to other children

At the end of the summer term, Leagrave came and collected our donations. The books from us and other donations from schools such as tables, cushions and an old maths scheme were delivered and we have now received some photos of the resources being gratefully received and put to good use.

It is a lovely feeling to know that we have helped children in a country less fortunate than ours who are keen to learn but struggle for equipment.  Everyone has the right to an education and we will be aiming to help again this year with some more donations.



rotary club of punta gorda thanks 164211248.pdf


pta letter thank you 164211248.pdf