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Governance at The Ferrars Academy

Governors Statement

The Governing Body at The Ferrars Academy is made up of:

  • 3 Members
  • 8 Trustee appointed governors appointed by the governing body
  • 3 Parent Governors elected by parents at the academy
  • 1 Principal

Meetings are attended by the Clerk, who takes notes of and subsequently writes up the minutes. Some meetings are also attended by the Business Manager. We currently have two vacancies for community governors and one parent governor vacancy.

The Governing Body meets half termly as a rule. It is supported by the following committees:

Governing Body Committees

  • Full Governing Body (11 members)
  • Audit & Risk Committee (5 members)
  • Pay Review Committee (3 members)

Any governor can choose to be on any committee and the majority are on at least one of them.  Each year the Chair, Vice Chair and Chairs and Vice Chairs of the committees are elected by all the governors.

As well as committee membership, governors participate in school life by attending various activities throughout the school year and also by taking some responsibility for reporting back to the governing body on different areas of the curriculum. This year, we have governors looking at Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Special Educational Needs and Disability/Gifted and Talented, Safeguarding, ECO Schools and Pupil Premium. This responsibility means that governors are expected to visit if possible once each term and report back to the Governing Body on progress. 

Governors are invited to, and do attend assemblies and other activities throughout the year.

Each governor, on appointment, is fully briefed as to their roles and responsibilities and is educated on the strict guidelines of the academy around safeguarding and confidentiality.

How we see our role as governors

The Governing Body carefully considers its role and input into the academy.  The governors have a high level of trust and confidence in the senior leadership team and see their role as a critical friend providing support and constructive challenge both through the formal meetings and in regular dialogue and face to face meetings at the academy.

Our role is, in consultation with the senior leadership team, to articulate the strategy of the academy and ensure the long term objectives and that sound financial viability is maintained.  Through these core principles, we seek to support the academy in delivering a first class education experience for all the children both now and for future generations.

Governors are selected for their roles based on both current and previous experience and through these diverse backgrounds they bring a broad base from which to provide advice and support to ensure the academy continues to grow and prosper.  The Governing Body currently includes teachers and former teachers, an accountant, a solicitor, other professionals and parents.

The governors take pride in seeing the academy continue to develop and succeed.  We consider, from the moment you walk through the door at Ferrars, that the commitment of the senior leadership team and the staff to the continued growth of the academy and the children is apparent.  The long term strategy and vision which is being executed continues to maintain that feel and further develop the facilities for the future.