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School Hours

Start Finish
Morning Nursery 08:30 11:30
Afternoon Nursery 12:30 15:30
Year R


Year 1 08:45 15:15
Year 2 08:45 15:15


Every School Day Counts


The Ferrars Academy expects all children to attend 100% of the time so that they can form and maintain friendships, fully participate in school life, enjoy the different experiences, and achieve to their potential in all their learning and activities.

Whether to keep your child off school due to illness can be a difficult judgment call to make, especially first thing in the morning.

Sometimes it’s obvious that a child needs to be at home in bed but very often it’s not so clear. “Will I be criticised for sending a coughing, sneezing child into school?” If in doubt, send them into school, particularly for minor ailments such as coughs, headaches, runny noses etc. Then as the day progresses, if they are too unwell the school will send them home.

This not only encourages resilience but says to your child how important school is. Parents who adopt this approach are unlikely to have a problem as their child gets older as the value for good attendance has been instilled at an early age.

If your child needs to be absent from school please:

  • Call the Academy on 01582 573641 each day and give a reason for the absence.

Medical/Dental Appointments

These should be made outside of school time wherever possible. Occasionally appointments need to be made inside school time and the child should be present in school before and after, if possible. They should also bring proof of the appointment e.g. appointment card or hospital letter to the Attendance Officer for the absence to be authorised. It is the school who authorise absence when they accept the reason given by a parent/carer. 

Monitoring procedures for Low Attendance and Poor Punctuality

This section is under review.  Please visit the school office for more information.


Helpful Documents

This section is under review.  Please visit the school office for more information.