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Lewsey Community Litter Pick 2023

On Saturday 13th May we held our Annual Lewsey Park Litter Pick. What a turnout! We had lots of children and their families gather at the park to do their part for the local community. The children received a litter picker and bin bag and wandered around Lewsey Park seeking out any litter they could find. The park is a much safer and cleaner place for us and the local wildlife thanks to your efforts. You are all fantastic Eco Warriors! 


Community Litter Pick

On Saturday 13th May we held our Annual Lewsey Park Litter Pick. What a turnout! We had lots of children and their families gather at the park to do their part for the local community. The children received a litter picker and bin bag and wandered around Lewsey Park seeking out any litter they could find. The park is a much safer and cleaner place for us and the local wildlife thanks to your efforts. You are all fantastic Eco Warriors!