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Nursery Admissions

Children can join our Nursery the term following their third birthday.  If this is something that is of interest to you please contact the office on 01582 573641 for further information and to obtain a registration form. 

If you are new to the area or would just like your child to start in our Nursery, they can join any time providing they turn 4 years old by the 31st August of the school year that we are currently in and would therefore be starting Reception year in September.

30 Hours free funding

Information for parents and the application process - The government’s website
is an excellent one-stop-shop for both yourself and for parents to find out about the free entitlements for two-, three- and four-year-olds, tax benefits and tax free childcare, with a calculator to help parents work out what is best for them.
Parents can get information and communicate with HMRC so they know what their entitlements are, what they can access and when.
Childcarechoices contains a link to apply for 30 hours eligibility.
Or directly to here:

If you are unsure please call the Academy office and we would be happy to advise you and show you around our Nursery.

It is never too early to register your child to join our Nursery, so whatever their age, come in and fill out our form and we will contact you nearer the time to offer you a place.