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Online Safety

All staff are trained annually and are kept up to date with any changes regularly during INSETs and staff meetings.  We hold an Online Safety assembly every term and annually Bedfordshire Police hold an information session to the parents.  All staff logins and computers are checked regularly by the Network Manager.  We have a system in place,  so if any concerns are raised all staff are aware of the correct reporting procedures. 

 Hector Protector

At Ferrars we teach how to use the Online Safety programme - 'Hector Protector'.  The children are taught to click on Hector who swims around the screen if they see something they do not like or makes their tummy feel funny.  

You can download Hector Protector which is totally free from www.thinkuknow.co.uk  You can watch Hector's cartoons and meet the other characters on the thinkuknow website.


Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you see any content online which you feel to be illegal or inappropriate content -  you can report it directly to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection team) by clicking on the logo.  The government has setup up the CEOP reporting centre to make sure that young people and children are kept safe online.   This link will direct you to their reporting centre directly.