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Parent Partnership Committee


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The Ferrars Academy recognise the importance of working together with parents and carers. We pride ourselves on the strong relationships we have built with parents and carers over the years and maintaining good two way communication.

The Academy values all opportunities to ensure that children receive the best start to school life and education possible. We would like to continue to do this with your help.


“We Learn and Grow Together”


What is the role of the Parent Partnership Committee?

The Parent Partnership Committee (PPC) helps the school to continually improve its communication and relationship with parents/carers and to maintain the objectives of the LPPA.


The committee is made up of the following people:

  • Chair of the Committee & LPPA Coordinator (Marie Jennings)
  • Parent Champions/parent representatives x4
  • A member of school support staff
  • A member of school admin staff
  • A nominated governor


As a member of the PPC you will be required to:

  •  Attend termly committee meetings at school (3 per academic year, during school hours)
  • Be committed to the school’s vision and aims
  • Deliver key messages and share information accurately and professionally with parents and carers
  • Be supportive of school policies, procedures and expectations
  • Be a good role model
  • Be confident and willing to share the views of parents and carers
  • Encourage parents/carers to complete surveys and questionnaires
  • Support the school to continue being a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents/carers
  • Support the school to maintain the objectives of the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).


    Will I need to have a DBS check to be a member of the PPC?

    No, this is not required as you will not be in regular contact with any pupils.


    How long do the termly PPC meetings last?

    Meetings will usually last an hour.  An agenda will be prepared prior to the meeting so you know what objectives/items will be discussed and time frame given for them.


    How long will I have to be a member of the PPC?

    The expectation is to be a member for a period of two academic years or sooner if you child leaves the school.


    What if I can no longer commit to being a member of the PPC?

    Don’t worry, there are lots of other ways of being involved in school life.  You will need to let the LPPA Coordinator know by simply putting it in writing to her that you wish to withdraw your place on the committee.


    Is being a member of the PPC like being a parent governor?

    No, the PPC deals with day to day aspects of school life and the communication the school has with its parents/carers.  The PPC’s role is to continue maintaining the objectives of the LPPA.  A parent governor’s role is very different, they work with the Headteacher and are a member of the Board of Trustees who maintain a strategic approach to school governance and leadership.


    Is the PPC like a PTA?

    No, the PPC’s responsibility is to maintain the objectives of the LPPA. Any fundraising activities and suggestions are always welcome and should be emailed to the school: enquiries@ferrarsacademy.co.uk

What is the role of a Parent Champion?

As a Parent Champion you will engage with families from the school community, providing peer to peer support and promoting the school and all its events. Parent Champions will help the school community thrive, break barriers and reduce isolation. You will automatically become a member of the Parent Partnership Committee (PPC) and the position of the Parent Champion is for a period of two years.


What do I need to do to become a Parent Champion?

  •  Be a parent of a pupil attending the Academy
  • Have the ability to talk to other parents/carers and be understanding
  • Have a non-judgemental attitude
  • Have a positive experience of resolving worries or accessing Family Support
  • Have an understanding about confidentiality
  • Have an awareness of the safeguarding of children
  • Have knowledge of and commitment to equal opportunities and diversity


What do I need to do when I am a Parent Champion?

  •  Be approachable to all parents/carers on the playground
  • Keep up to date with school events
  • Help to answer any general questions parents may have
  • Signpost parents/carers to relevant members of staff and the school’s Family Support Team
  • Promote the Wraparound Care provision for parents/carers that require childcare
  • Communicate with all school staff
  • Meet with the LPPA Coordinator and other Parent Champions to share good practice
  • Attend termly Parent Partnership Committee meetings (3 per academic year)