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Planet Protectors

Our Planet Protectors will be working hard this year to find ways of helping to care for our environment. The Planet Protectors is an early years based Eco group, offering our youngest pupils the opportunity to learn about environmental issues. It provides them with opportunities to engage in practical ways of protecting our local environment, whilst learning about how our positive action in school can contribute to healthier planet overall. 


The Planet Protectors meet on a regular basis to discuss ways of keeping our environment clean and safe for everyone to enjoy. We learn about the importance of saving energy, recycling and ensuring the safety of local wildlife. 


Some of the activities we will be doing this year are


Half termly litter picks of the school grounds

Making bird feeders

Planting and growing seeds

Creating our own posters to promote saving energy

Promoting recycling within Early Years 

Developing our own vegetable patch 

Developing our own bug hotel