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School Council                           

Welcome to our School Council page.




Teachers:   Mrs Agnew and Miss Farrell                     

Autumn term voting

This half term we have elected our School Councillors. The children in Key Stage One were given the opportunity to vote for their peers who they felt would be a suitable candidate/spokesperson for their class.  


School Council 2024-2025

We are pleased to announce that the following children are your representatives:

 Panda Class


Panda Class Hassan 

 Tiger Class Liam

Tiger Class Diana 

Zebra Class



Zebra Class Rosie 

 Penguin Class


Penguin Class


Dolphin Class 


Dolphin Class


Seahorse Class


Seahorse Class


Mrs Agnew and Miss Farrell are looking forward to working with you on our exciting projects. Remember if you have any ideas to make our school better to find and tell these children they are there to represent you and share your voice!

 Some of the projects we will be doing this year are:

  • Establish rules and routines

  • Working in partnership with the LPPA Committee
  • School Council children to walk around the school, send questionnaires, report findings to staff.

  • Promoting the reading chair- Midday Supervisors to take charge 

  • What types of clubs would children like to see being offered? 

  • Selling poppies for remembrance 

  • Focus on sports, children to send out questionnaires to ask children around the school what experiences they would like to take part in i.e. parkour, yoga etc. 

  • Children to carry out ‘improvement walks’ to potential areas of improvement on the site. 

  • Children to explore and reflect on the rewards system in place in school. 

  • Improving wet play provision

Why we want to be councillors:

" I  want to help everyone". Alvina
" I want to help the school". Kashi
" I want to make things good." Anthony

Current Projects:

Next half term School Council children will be selling poppies to children and staff ready for Remembrance Day.

On Monday the 9th of December the Year 2 School Council children along with Mrs Agnew and Miss Farrell were very proud to attend Luton's 2024 School Council Conference at the University of Bedfordshire. They joined schools from across Luton to come up with ideas  on how to make Luton a child-friendly town by 2040 and how we can make Luton a safe place to live. They came up with many ideas and these were shared throughout the conference.




School Council Constitution

Please click here to view our School Council Constitution