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Starting in Nursery

The academy is responsible for allocating all Nursery places (see our Admissions page for more information).

You will need to complete a Pupil Registration Form at our school office. If you need help completing this, then please do ask.

If your child is not old enough to start our Nursery yet

Your child will be added to our waiting list. You will be advised what term/academic year your child will be starting. We will contact you nearer the time for further documents. In the meantime, please keep updated with our events on our website and look out for details of our Summer Fete which you and your family are welcome to attend. If your child does not already attend a pre-school or childcare provision then why not come and join us at our Bright Beginnings sessions; Stay & Play and Tuneful Stars, more details on this can be found on our Family Support Team page.

If your child is ready to start our Nursery

You will receive an offer letter from the academy which will state your child’s session time. You will need to contact the school to confirm that you still want the place for your child. This is co-ordinated by Miss Khalid in the school office who deals with all our new admissions.

You will need to provide us with all your documents as requested to complete the registration process. Your child cannot start school until this information has been received.

New Parents Information Meeting

Following your confirmation reply, we will send you a letter inviting you to attend a New Parents Information Meeting, this is also co-ordinated by Miss Khalid. At the New Parents Meeting you will meet key staff members and find out more about the academy including the curriculum, daily routine, expectations and how you can be involved in your child’s school life. There will also be the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Home Visit

As part of our admissions procedures we will come and visit your child in their home environment and discuss information about them with you on a face-to-face basis. It is also an opportunity to talk about any concerns or queries you may have regarding your child starting with us. Home visits are essential in making your child’s transition to Nursery as smooth as possible and your child will not be able to start with us until the home visit has been completed. All our home visits are coordinated by Miss Jennings our Family Support Lead.

Settling In

There is no settling in period at Nursery. Please don’t worry if your child gets upset, this will pass. Staff are experts at dealing with this and children often settle quickly once you have left.

Please encourage your child to be ready to start Nursery by reading our ‘Is your child Nursery ready’ guide in New Starter Information.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to The Ferrars Academy.