Starting in Years 1 or 2
Places are allocated by the local authority school admissions (see our Admissions page for more information). In-year applications are for entry into a year group outside of the normal intake points. You will receive an allocation letter from Luton School Admissions confirming your child’s school place and are asked to make contact with us.
Registration Process
You will need to come into our main school office with your documents as requested to complete the registration process which will include filling in a Pupil Registration Form. If you need help with this then please ask as we would be happy to do so. Your child cannot start school until this information has been received.
Home Visit
As part of our admissions procedures we will come and visit your child in their home environment and discuss information about them with you on a face-to-face basis. It is also an opportunity to talk about any concerns or queries you may have regarding your child starting with us. Home visits are essential in making your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible and your child will not be able to start with us until the home visit has been completed. All our home visits are coordinated by Miss Jennings our Family Support Lead.
When will my child be given a date to start school?
Your child will be given a start date as soon as the home visit has been completed. There is no settling in period. Please do not worry if it is your child’s first experience of being in a school environment or English is a new language to them. Staff are very experience in helping children who have English as an additional language and will ensure they will have other children to help them settle in and make friends. The teacher will discuss with you if there are any concerns with your child settling into school.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to The Ferrars Academy.